Thursday, September 28, 2017

Exit Slip (Sept 28)

Multidimensional teaching and classrooms are fascinating to me. Seeing the level of engagement from the students and witnessing them working together in order to solve the problem was simply inspiring. I thought back to my own traditional math classes in high school and my consequent struggles with higher level math in university and wonder how well I could have done in a multidimensional math class, given the opportunity. Having never personally had any classes that strayed away from that traditional structure in high school, it is a bit daunting to be able to lead such classes but I am highly motivated to be able to do so as I see so much value for the students in it. They also seem to create space for teachers to be able to acknowledge students individually and as a group(s) with a much higher level of nuance. With recent readings, I have been starting to form negative associations with the difficulty of giving praise in a classroom but after discussing with my peers the more tactful and productive ways to acknowledge a student, I am less adverse to the idea of praising students in class. I also really enjoyed the exercise of splitting into groups based on extro or introverted - ness. I feel these exercises can build empathy and understanding between people. Having a loud, outspoken group to find commonalities with and hearing the thoughts of those who were the complete opposite was very valuable and I know I will be meditating on this going forward to hopefully be able to improve myself personally as well as improve my relationships with others.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for a very interesting post, with lots of engaging ideas!
